How to pack an aquarium

One of the key questions that aquarists are concerned about is how to move the aquarium and not break it. To do this, it is necessary to properly pack the structure.

Before packing the aquarium itself, it is necessary to remove all decorative elements and soil from it. Fragile decorations should be wrapped with bubble wrap to prevent damage. Soil and stones are placed in plastic bags. Do not rinse them before transportation – this will destroy beneficial bacteria, without which it will be more difficult for living beings to adapt after moving.

Do not pour ozt the old water, but collect it in special bags. This water will come in handy when placing in a new location.

The glass structure itself is transported in a cardboard box, which is significantly larger than it. From the inside of the box, along the perimeter of the structure, it is lined with pieces of foam for additional protection.

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