Where to put the fish and how to transport them

How to transport aquarium fish? A few days before the move, you need to prepare for it:

Purchase special bags for transporting fish at the pet store. One standard package contains 4-5 small fish, 2 medium or one large. It is better to purchase packages with a margin and not expose your pets to excessive crowding.
Stop feeding your pets the day before moving. Their condition will not be affected by this.
If you are worried about the condition of the fish, you can purchase special solutions that reduce their stress.
Immediately before moving, pour the water in which you will transport living inhabitants into bags. Air in each of them should be 2 times more than water. If the aquarium is very large, order trucking.

A few tips on how to transport fish correctly:

Don’t put them in the same bag as the plants. Algae in a small, enclosed space will release too much carbon dioxide, which can harm your pets.
If transportation takes place in winter, the transportation bags must be insulated. You can put them in a thermal protective bag.
For long (more than 3 hours) transportation, it is recommended to add oxygen tablets to the water. They should be used strictly according to the instructions – their excess can lead to burns of the gills.
The temperature of the water in the tanks should be 2-3 degrees lower than usual.

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